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Tapestry Crochet

I created this tapestry crochet basket to be functional, sturdy, decorative and to survive when an armor bag was thrown on top of it!  I adapted both the horse pattern (to make 2 different horses and give the appearance of running) and a basket pattern from Tapestry Crochet by Carol Norton from Fiber Arts Publications. In her book she discusses the tapestry crocheted shoulder bags of the Mayan Indian mans outfit. She says, "The art of crocheting was probably taught to the colonial Indians by the Spaniards. The Maya have incorporated their own regional color combinations and design motifs. Each region in Guatemala has distinct color combinations and design motifs. Regional stylistic differences in clothing were encouraged in the 1500's by the Spanish rulers, and these still prevail."


According to American crochet expert and world traveler Annie Potter in A Living Mystery, the International Art and History of Crochet, A. J. Publishing International, 1990 "The modern art of true crochet as we know it today was developed during the 16th century. It became known as 'crochet lace' in France and 'chain lace' in England."

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